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Post: iOS : Debug 与 print 002[Swift]

Today is the A Memorial Day

iOS : Debug 与 print 002[Swift]

Published 12:02 Feb 27, 2015.

Created by @ezra. Categorized in #Programming, and tagged as #iOS.

Source format: Markdown

Table of Content

接上文,本篇我们借鉴一下 JavaScript 中的 console.log:

//  Console.swift
//  Console
//  Created by Meniny on 15/7/27.
//  Copyright © 2015年 Meniny. All rights reserved.
import Foundation

class console {

    *  @method log:
    *  @discussion JavaScript like print method
    class func log<T>(message: T, file: String = __FILE__, method: String = __FUNCTION__, line: Int = __LINE__) {
        #if DEBUG
            print("* ----------------------\n* File: \((file as NSString).lastPathComponent)\n* Line: \(line)\n* Function: \(method)\n* \(message)\n")
            // save logs


let abc = "def"
console.log("abc = \(abc)")
console.log("Some log")


* ----------------------
* File: ViewController.swift
* Line: 19
* Function: viewDidLoad()
* abc = def

* ----------------------
* File: ViewController.swift
* Line: 20
* Function: viewDidLoad()
* Some log
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