Oct. 18th, 2024
2024年 9月 16日

Post: I don’t even know

Today is the A Memorial Day

I don’t even know

Published 02:06 Jun 29, 2020.

Created by @ezra. Categorized in #Feelings, and tagged as #Sadness.

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I don’t even know if I am going to send this to you, but I figured I should write these thoughts down. I don’t know if we will ever be as close as we were or if maybe that was all in my head.

I really don’t know, it just seems like we’ve drifted apart ever since your feelings changed. I wish things could be different, but I understand that attraction either happens or doesn’t and there isn’t anything I can do about it.

I still have feelings for you and when I look at you I see an amazing person who I want to be my partner in life. I’ve never met anyone like you before and I don’t want anyone else but you. This is just something I am going to have to figure out how to live with.

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