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Post: Academic report Cheatsheet

Academic report Cheatsheet

Published 08:08 Aug 02, 2020.

Created by @ezra. Categorized in #Programming, and tagged as #Cheatsheet.

Source format: Markdown

Table of Content

Academic Report

  • Introduction -- In the introduction to your academic report, you present the research topic or question and explain why you chose to study that topic You may also present a general overview of the work you did and your findings
  • Literature Review/Background -- In this section, you will briefly summarize work on this topic that other researchers have conducted, including their findings, Focus on summarizing work that relates in some way to the work you have performed.
  • Methods -- The methods section is where you describe the steps you took in your research.
  • Results -- In this section, you will describe the results of your study.
  • Discussion -- You will interpret your findings and describe how these findings answer (or don’t answer) your research questions. You should also describe any limitations of your work,
  • Conclusion -- The conclusion is where you summarize your main work and findings as well as the implications of your work. You should not introduce any new material in this section. You should also provide recommendations based on your findings and discuss any future research needed.
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