CaveOps: Night-City
#Hello Edgerunners, welcome to the Night-City.


Hello world collections

"Hello World" is the first program one usually writes when learning a new programming language. Having first been mentioned in Brian Kernighan's tutorial to the B programming language, it became widely known through Kernighan & Ritchie's 1978 book that introduced "The C Programming Language", wh...

OS X: 终端关机重启

收集了一些 Mac OS X 的终端关机/重启指令: 立即关机 sudo halt 立即关机 sudo shutdown -h now 某段时间后关机(这里是十分钟) sudo shutdown -h +10 某个时间点关机(这里是20:00) sudo shutdown -h 20:00 立即重启 sudo reboot 立即重启 sudo shutdown -r now ...


什么是编译 编译程序读取源程序 (字符流) ,对之进行词法和语法的分析,将高级语言指令转换为功能等效的汇编代码,再由汇编程序转换为机器语言,并且按照操作系统对可执行文件格式的要求链接生成可执行程序。 编译的完整过程:C源程序 =预编译处理(.c) =编译、优化程序 (.s、.asm) =汇编程序(.obj、.o、.a、.ko) =链接程序 (.exe、.elf、.axf等) 编译预处理 读取c源程序,对其中的伪指令 (以#开头的指令) 和特殊符号进行处理 伪指令主要包括以下四个方面: 宏定义指令,如 #define Name TokenString,#undef等。对于前一个伪指令,预编...

What's this?

The Night-City version of CaveOps inspired by Cyberpunk 2077. Not finished yet.

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The Founder and CEO of Infeca Technology.

Developer, Designer, Blogger.

Big fan of Apple, Love of colour.

Feel free to contact me.




随时恭候 垂询