CaveOps: Night-City
#Hello Edgerunners, welcome to the Night-City.


Steam on Linux with HiDPI scaling

This is because of how Steam recognizes high resolution monitors and scaling in Xorg. You will have to edit your Steam shortcut so that it uses it's own scaling as it doesn't honor the system scaling. To do that: sudo nano /usr/share/applications/steam. Desktop change Exec=/usr/bin/steam %U to Exe...
Steam on Linux with HiDPI scaling

WeChat on Ubuntu/Debian and derivatives

Wine go to Ubuntu Kylin Archive, search and download ukylin-wine. wget WeChat on the same site, download ukylin-wechat. wget Ins...
WeChat on Ubuntu/Debian and derivatives

How to fix Linux on ROG Flow Z13

After install a Linux system on your ROG Flow Z13, the screen will jitter like crazy and is nearly unusable. Fix To fix this, you must disable Intel's Panel Self Refresh feature (well, there is obviously a bug with the feature on the Flow Z13) by editting the GRUB file. Simply look for the line tha...
How to fix Linux on ROG Flow Z13

The Ultimate ChatGPT and GPT4 Guide

ChatGPT is the most powerful natural language AI ever created. This guide has more than 100+ resources to help you learn how to use GPT3 and GPT4 to enhance your life. Learning Basics of ChatGPT Chapter 1: How to learn GPT-3 (Basics) There are a few steps you can take to learn ChatGPT as a basic...
The Ultimate ChatGPT and GPT4 Guide

Get Started with Hak5 USB Rubber Ducky

Ducky Script - the USB Rubber Ducky language Ducky Script is the language of the USB Rubber Ducky. Writing scripts for can be done from any common ascii text editor such as Notepad, vi, emacs, nano, gedit, kedit, TextEdit, etc. Syntax Ducky Script syntax is simple. Each command resides on a new line...
Get Started with Hak5 USB Rubber Ducky

Hello Flippers ~

Power your terminal using Tmux

Note 以下所有按键都区分大小写! Tmux 安装 $ sudo apt install tmux # Debian/Ubuntu $ sudo pacman -S tmux # Arch/LyargoOS $ brew install tmux # macOS Oh My Tmux 项目地址:。 安装 安装到 $HOME 目录下: $ cd $ git clone $ ln -s -f .t...
Power your terminal using Tmux

While the new Ubuntu 23.04 release keep crashing, we bring you the first stable version of LyargoOS Linux, an Arch Linux based distro with themed KDE Plasma desktop environment and more.

Weird hope will always remain. That may be, now. Or now. Pick a now, any now. Let's figure it out.


克莱因蓝 Klein Blue 称为“最纯正的蓝色”、“理想之蓝”、“绝对之蓝”, 具有强烈的视觉冲击力, 在品牌及包装上经常采用。 #002FA7 RGB(0, 47, 167) 克莱因蓝Klein Blue 蒂芙尼蓝 Tiffany Blue 蒂芙尼蓝因是纽约珠宝公司蒂芙尼所拥有的颜色的俗称, 其中较浅的淡蓝被广泛使用于礼盒与袋子等视觉载体上。 81D8CF RGB(129, 216, 207) 蒂芙尼蓝Tiffany Blue 普鲁士蓝 Prussian Blue 此款颜色是一种古老的蓝色染料, 可以用来上釉和做油画染料。是款独特的色彩,体现出一种厚重的色彩质感。 003152 RG...


What's this?

The Night-City version of CaveOps inspired by Cyberpunk 2077. Not finished yet.

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The Founder and CEO of Infeca Technology.

Developer, Designer, Blogger.

Big fan of Apple, Love of colour.

Feel free to contact me.




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