CaveOps: Night-City
#Hello Edgerunners, welcome to the Night-City.


PPSSPP Language Change on Linux

Change zh_CN to en_US: sed -i 's/Language = zh_CN/Language = en_US/g' ~/.var/app/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP/config/ppsspp/PSP/SYSTEM/ppsspp.ini cat ~/.var/app/org.ppsspp.PPSSPP/config/ppsspp/PSP/SYSTEM/ppsspp.ini | grep Language ...
PPSSPP Language Change on Linux

A Roadmap for Becoming a Penetration Tester in 2024

In today’s swiftly evolving realm of cybersecurity, the role of a penetration tester holds a greater significance than ever before. Across the globe, organizations are actively seeking for proficient experts that are capable of spotting vulnerabilities and reinforcing their digital security. If you’...

How do I make an offline recovery USB for macOS?

You can use the command below to list which versions of macOS full installers are available to download on your Mac. softwareupdate --list-full-installers Note This list only includes versions of macOS that Apple will allow you to download to your Mac. The actual list available download...

arm vs aarch64 vs amd64 vs x86_64 vs x86: What's the Difference?

Are you someone that is confused by terms like ARM, AArch64, x86_64, i386, etc when viewing a datasheet or downloads page of a software? These are called CPU architectures and I will help you dip your toes in this topic of computing. Following is a table that will provide you with a good summary ...

Choosing the right Linux file system: Your ultimate guide

Whether you are setting up a personal server, configuring a new Linux installation, or simply aiming to optimize your existing setup, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to choose the most suitable file system. Ready to uncover which Linux file system is the best fit for you? Welcome to ...


Delete all but the most recent X files in bash

To give a bit more of a concrete example, imagine some cron job writing out a file (say, a log file or a tar-ed up backup) to a directory every hour. I’d like a way to have another cron job running which would remove the oldest files in that directory until there are less than, say, 5. And ...

Bug-fix: KDE wallet is asking for password on every boot

After recent updates KDE wallet is asking for password after system starts and Wi-Fi won’t connect if the password is not entered. The fix here is quite simple: rm -rf ~/.local/share/kwalletd/* ~/.config/kwalletrc Logout, login, and set NEW kwallet base password if prompted. CAN BE EMPTY....

John the Ripper crack password when you know a part of it

Install From you Package Manager $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install john From Source Code $ git clone $ cd JohnTheRipper/src $ ./configure && sudo make -s clean && sudo make -sj4 $ cd ../run Addition: 7z $ sudo apt ...

Gole 1 Pro Linux Fix

免责声明 Caution 本文内容仅为交流目的,不保证在任何情况下均可达到预期效果,同时所涉及操作存在一定风险,因此造成的任何损失本人概不负责,请在继续操作前慎重考虑。 此外,请务必对数据进行备份,以免造成不必要的损失。 写在前面 最近入手了一台高乐 Gole 1 Pro 小主机,自带了 5.5 英寸触摸屏和电池,十分小巧便携。 由于小主机没有自带风扇,所以为了降低发热,我分出 60GB 安装了 Kubuntu。其实系统的安装过程并没有什么特别,但安装之后存在一些重要的问题,需要手动解决,记录如下文。 Linux 下具体的问题表现为: ...
Gole 1 Pro Linux Fix

A Linux Distributions Tier List

What's this?

The Night-City version of CaveOps inspired by Cyberpunk 2077. Not finished yet.

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The Founder and CEO of Infeca Technology.

Developer, Designer, Blogger.

Big fan of Apple, Love of colour.

Feel free to contact me.




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