CaveOps: Night-City
#Hello Edgerunners, welcome to the Night-City.


Ocean Wave Animation
Profile Card Hover Effect

The way i love is the way I want to be loved

the kind of love you don't let go of love that isn't lessened by distance or difficulty two passionate souls that fulfill each other friendship that is unbreakable love that makes regular loyalty seem less than loyal a kindness and sweetness that softens everyone around us and makes everyday fun a l...

Complete Guide to GDPR Compliance

1. Preface The EU General Data Protection Regulation has fundamentally transformed how businesses handle personal data. Any company that does not follow these new norms face severe fines, potentially up to €20 million...
Complete Guide to GDPR Compliance

Me Vas Hacer Falta

Cada día sin ti, te extrañaré, Conejita. Árboles crecen y todavía te extraño más y más cada día que pasa. Tus labios, tu sonrisa, toda la vida y la felicidad que trajiste a mi vida. Comida sin sabor, y días sin color por no tener té a mi lado. Horita, hoy y mañana te necesito, Conejita. 9 mares nada...

Django CLI Cheatsheet

Preparing enviro­nnement mkdir projec­t_name && cd $_ Create project folder and navigate to it python -m venv env_name Create venv for the project source env_na­me­\bin­\ac­tivate Activate enviro­nnement (Replace "­b...
Django CLI Cheatsheet

I can’t dance with you in the rain

You were my soulmate. You were. But our souls aged. You’ve become twisted like an old tree. You were the rainbow. You were the sparkling ocean on a summer day. I was the road beside the waters running next to you everywhere you turned. Now I see us, standing in a dead forest by a lake on a cold, ove...

Today is a Bad Day

I should have been less needy. I should have been less insecure. I should have adjusted my needs to what you were able and willing to give. I should have felt more gratitude toward the efforts you made. I should have modified my way of interacting with you. It was all my fault. No wonder you’ve give...


All I have are the memories of the months we spent together. Those are the glue that is barely holding my life together. You moved on. I don't blame you, I was (am) a wreck. Who am I underneath? My former self is long gone. I drank him away. You are an angel. I'm happy to know that for a short while...

What's this?

The Night-City version of CaveOps inspired by Cyberpunk 2077. Not finished yet.

Pinned Message

The Founder and CEO of Infeca Technology.

Developer, Designer, Blogger.

Big fan of Apple, Love of colour.

Feel free to contact me.




随时恭候 垂询