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Post: Python: 构建包的那些事

Python: 构建包的那些事

Published 12:02 Feb 08, 2016.

Created by @ezra. Categorized in #Programming, and tagged as #Python.

Source format: Markdown

Table of Content

一般来说构建一个包是很简单的事情,许多人只把一堆模块都放进一个有 文件的目录里面,但是,随着对包的修改越来越多,糟糕的设计就会变得臃肿、脆弱,甚至带来循环依赖问题。 该做什么

格式良好的 有一个重要作用: 导入子模块。


# 导入顺序很重要 —— 有些模块依赖于其他模块

from exceptions import MXError, MXEnvError, MXEncodeError,\
                       MXTimeFmtError, MXMalformedEntryError,\
                       MXCoerceError, MXEnqueueError, MXConfigError,\
                       MXPathError, MXInstallError, MXCannotLockError,\
                       MXWorkItemError, MXTTLExpiredError,\
                       MXMaxTriesError, MXScanError, MXDownError,\
                       MXDoneError, MXFailError, MXTriggerPullError,\
                       MXHostsError, MXReenqueueError, MXPushError

# constants 依赖于:exceptions,internal

import constants
# const 依赖于:constants,exceptions,internal

from const import const, set_const
# has tests# path 依赖于:exceptions,constants,internal

import path
 # has tests# lists 依赖于:path

from lists import hosts, queues


  • 在包的作用域中暴露方法和类,用户不必深入到包的内部结构,即可轻松使用包

  • 协调导入顺序的唯一位置

如果运用得当, 可以让你灵活地再组织包的内部结构,而不需要担心内部导入顺序带来的副作用,并且,也很容易被其他开发者理解。

在包这一级,一个文档字符串以及 __all__ 属性赋值,就是你的 中唯一的非导入代码:

__all__ = [ 'MXError', 'MXEnvError', 'MXEncodeError', 'MXTimeFmtError',
                   'MXMalformedEntryError', 'MXCoerceError', 'MXEnqueueError',
                   'MXConfigError', 'MXCannotLock', 'MXWorkItemError',
                    'MXTTLExpiredError', 'MXMaxTriesError', 'MXScanError',
                    'MXDownError', 'MXDoneError', 'MXFailError', 'MXInstallError',
                    'MXTriggerPullError', 'MXCannotLockError', 'MXPathError',
                    'path', 'constants', 'const', 'set_const', 'down', 'up',
                     # ...



# from mx

class MXEnvError(MXError):
    '''An error if something cannot be loaded from env, or env has an invalid

class MXEncodeError(MXError):
      '''An error occured while encoding or decoding an argument'''

# ... and 20 or so more

异常的粒度越高,try / except 可以包裹的代码块越大:

# 像这样
   item = mx.senqueue('queue', 'str', 'arg', 'arg')
   scanner = mx.scan('queue')
except MXScanError:
   '''do something'''

except MXEnqueueError:
      '''do something else'''
# 而不是这样
    item = mx.senqueue('queue', 'str', 'arg', 'arg')
except MXEnqueueError:
    '''do something else'''

    scanner = mx.scan('queue')
except MXScanError:
    '''do something'''
# 更不要这样
    item = mx.senqueue('queue', 'str', 'arg', 'arg')
        scanner = mx.scan('queue')
        except MXScanError:
                '''do something'''
except MXEnqueueError:
          '''do something else'''




# within a sub-module

from a_package import APackageError


  • 只有当这个包安装在 Python 环境变量路径 PYTHONPATH 中的时候才会正常运行

  • 只有当包的名字是 a_package 的时候才会正常运行


# within a sub-module

from . import MXEnqueueError, MXCoerceError, MXError, MXReenqueueError,\
              constants as _c, path as mx_path, construct,\
              hosts as mx_hosts, MXWorkItem

from . internal import rationalize_file, wrap_io_os_err, fmt_time,\
                      coerce_unicode, uid_gid

# you can also use ../... etc. in sub-packages.



class APackageClass(object):
    '''One class'''

def apackage_builder(how_many):
    for i in range(how_many):
            yield APackageClass()


####### EXPOSED METHODS #######

def enqueue(trg_queue, item_f, *args, **kwargs):
    '''Enqueue the contents of a file, or file-like object, file-descriptor or
       the contents of a file at an address (e.g. '/my/file') queue with
       arbitrary arguments, enqueue is to venqueue what printf is to vprintf
    return venqueue(trg_queue, item_f, args, **kwargs)

def senqueue(trg_queue, item_s, *args, **kwargs):
    '''Enqueue a string, or string-like object to queue with arbitrary
       arguments, senqueue is to enqueue what sprintf is to printf, senqueue
       is to vsenqueue what sprintf is to vsprintf.
    return vsenqueue(trg_queue, item_s, args, **kwargs)

def venqueue(trg_queue, item_f, args, user=None, group=None, mode=None):
    '''Enqueue the contents of a file, or file-like object, file-descriptor or
       the contents of a file at an address (e.g. '/my/file') queue with
       an argument list, venqueue is to enqueue what vprintf is to printf
       if entropy is passed in, failure on duplicates is raised to the caller,
       if entropy is not passed in, venqueue will increment entropy until it
       can create the queue item.
    # setup defaults
    trg_fd = name = None
    # ...

上面的例子 mx/ 暴露了一组函数,它们提供了同一功能的不同接口 (类似于 simplejson 中的 load/loads ) 。虽然这个例子很简单直白,但是要保持模块小巧,还需要一定的判断力。

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