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Post: LAContext.biometryType returns LABiometryType.none in iOS 11

LAContext.biometryType returns LABiometryType.none in iOS 11

Published 12:12 Dec 18, 2017.

Created by @ezra. Categorized in #Programming, and tagged as #iOS.

Source format: Markdown

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I'm trying to support FaceID in my application.

Running LAContect().canEvaluatePolicy(.deviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics, error: &error) returns true, so I expect that the device has biometrics enabled (which it has, it is an iPhone X with iOS 11.2.1 with FaceID enrolled and working for unlock).

So I expect to get LABiometryType.typeTouchID when later checking LAContext.biometryType, but as the title says it returns LABiometryType.none.

Auctully, we need to first call canEvaluatePolicy... in order to get the biometry type. That is, if you're just doing LAContext().biometryType then you'll always get none back. You would first need to call canEvaluatePolicy... on that instance, and then biometryType should have a non-none value (assuming the device has biometry support, and the user has enabled it).

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